armrest cover installation guide


1. Open the armrest

2. Remove screws at the hinge to take the lid off.

3. Unscrew the lock with an allen screw.

4. Separate the top and bottom halves of the lid by removing all the screws.

5. The lid sepearates easily.

6. Test-fit the armrest cover to make sure you have the orientation right.

7. Apply glue (contact cement works great since it gives you a certain time for adjustments before it fully sets. Make sure to read the instructions for the glue you end up using so that you know what setting time it has.) to the top of the lid.

8. Align it carefully before the glue sets.

9. Cut an incision for the lock.

10. Make sure to make it very small first and then enlarge as necessary. An x-acto knife works great for this.

11. Start glueing down the sides.

12. Clamps will help you make sure it stays wrapped around edges nicely. Otherwise, use a LOT of patience if you want to hold it with your hands. :)

13. Once the glue is cured, reassemble the two halves of the lid. To finish off the area around the lock, glue it in. On version 2 you might need a grommet. Rowley Company #6 Black Rolled Edge Grommet is recommended. Works great but needs to be installed before attaching to console lid or you can't re-install the lock. With Grommet in place, still gives access to lock button to open console lid and room to get key into lock.

14. Reinstall the lock, enlarging the cutout if necessary. Make sure to trim a bit, then test fit, and repeat until you have a satisfactory fitment.

Reinstall the lid into the car and ENJOY. :)



Useful tip

You have installed a product made out of genuine leather. As you know, to maintain a leather product in good condition, you should take care of it. We suggest occasionally (every 4-6 week for example) applying some leather conditioner/UV protector to keep your leather from drying up in the sun and cracking.

Redline Automotive Accessories Corp. will not be held liable for any labor, incidental or consequential damages of any kind. Proceed at your own risk. 

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