shift boot installation guide

Looking for a Volkswagen Passat shift boot? We offer the best ones out there!



1. Pull the elastic so that the bottom of the boot comes off the bottom trim. Remove shift knob, by turning counter-clockwise. It comes off pretty easily if it's been removed before, if not, you might want to wrap it with a towel to protect it from scratching and use vice-grips to increase your leverage. The shift knob is attached to the old boot with a rubber band. 

2. You need to disassemble the shift knob from the old boot. Here's how to do it.


3. Turn the old boot inside, out and from then it's obvious how to accomplish this. Remove the band that holds the boot and knob together. 

4. Slide the shift knob into the new boot. 

5. Pull the boot down your hand thus turning it inside-out. Get a zip-tie and use it to secure the shift knob to the boot.

6. Once you have it reassembled, reinstall the shift knob.

7. Slide the boot down, extend the elastic and re-install it on the bottom trim. You're done!

8. If you squeeze and pull the ebrake boot's bottom half, the trim it's mounted to will pop out of the center console. You'll be able to pull the boot off the brake handle then if you remove the trim piece (plastic ring) around the ebrake release button - which can be just popped off with a tiny flat screwdriver.

9. Mount the new boot in place of the old one, by re-using the staples or replacing them with glue and reinstall.

Useful tip

You have installed a product made out of genuine leather. As you know, to maintain a leather product in good condition, you should take care of it. We suggest occasionally (every 4-6 week for example) applying some leather conditioner/UV protector to keep your leather from drying up in the sun and cracking.

Redline Automotive Accessories Corp. will not be held liable for any labor, incidental or consequential damages of any kind. Proceed at your own risk.

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