2003-10 BMW 5-SERIES
shift boot installation guide

Looking for a BMW 5 shift boot? We offer the best ones out there!



Materials needed:

- Razor knife (hobby or X-Acto knife works great)

- Flat Blade Screwdriver

- Pliers

- Zip-ties

- Glue for bonding leather to plastic (we used SuperGlue)

1. Unsnap the boot by pressing the base towards the inside and pulling up, or use a putty or similar tool to lift it up.

2. We found it easiest to open the center console door and start at the top by pressing down and pulling out.

3. Once unsnapped the zip tie holding the boot to the brake handle will need to be removed using wire cutters, the boot can then be carefully removed by sliding over the brake handle and off.

4. Separate the boot from the mounting frame. Clean the frame from glue residue to prepare for installation of the new boot.

5. Glue the frame into the new boot. Carefully glue a section at a time until all is done. You might find it necessary to cut small angle shaped pieces of leather out at the corners to allow the leather to wrap around the base.

6. The boot should be slid over the handle and positioned so that the top seams line up with the threaded seams on the handle. The boot is zip tied to the handle, you will notice a channel that the zip tie should be placed in before tightening. The boot is then snapped back into place, it is tight so be patient.

Don't do it yet if you are installing the ebrake handle cover - install the handle first, then re-assemble the ebrake boot.


7. Pull off the ebrake handle - it needs a gull forwards pull to dislodge.

8. Squeeze the sides of the upper part of the connector to make the shift knob part release from the part of the wiring harness that goes back into the center console.

9. Insert the handle into the leather handle cover. Use some glue on the ebrake handle to prevent the cover from moving.

10. Lace (sew) the bottom thread of the cover using the provided thread and needle.

11. A simple cross-stitchit will yield the best result. Do not worry if you don't make it perfect - since it is on the underside of the ebrake handle, any imperfections will not be visible anyway.

12. Reinstall boot and handle, and install back into the vehicle as per step 6 above.


Useful tip

You have installed a product made out of genuine leather. As you know, to maintain a leather product in good condition, you should take care of it. We suggest occasionally (every 4-6 week for example) applying some leather conditioner/UV protector to keep your leather from drying up in the sun and cracking.

Redline Automotive Accessories Corp. will not be held liable for any labor, incidental or consequential damages of any kind. Proceed at your own risk. 

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